About Linda Friend, MA, MFT

The Wintertime Blues
Post-holiday letdown can be difficult – and it holds meaning
by Barry W. Dugan, Healdsburg Tribune
The winter holidays have passed, the Christmas tree is compost. The wrapping paper has been recycled and the so-called “happiest time of the year” really didn’t turn out to be. The twinkling holiday lights have been replaced with the cold, dank days of January. Christmas decorations have been replaced with the crass decorations for the next secular celebration, and the mildew is forming again in the corners of the closet. Is it any wonder so many of us are feeling blue?
Psychic Founds Center
Lofty hopes in isolated valley. Linda in 1985 –
Interview in Press Democrat by Rich Cartiere
In a quiet isolated valley just north of Healdsburg may rest the future of the world. There, at what promises to become Northern Sonoma County’s major center for spiritual learning, psychic and spiritualist Linda Lazzar-Friend said she tries to push mankind onto the next step of evolution. An ambitious goal, it is typical of Friend’s lofty hopes.