Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a disorder where one has a delayed reaction to extreme stress that was too hard to bear at the time it occurred.

Some PTSD symptoms are: anxiety, sleeplessness, heart palpations, overreacting, irritability, excessive worry, a sense of doom, loss of interest in normal events, emotional numbing, and flashbacks to traumatic events.

War victims, soldiers, and victims of physical and sexual abuse as children or as adults have PTSD. To some extent we all have some PTSD from loss in our lives from losing a loved one to death or separation, bad accidents, and surgeries, for example.

These days, a lot of people are having anxiety due to the pandemic over financial loss, isolation, and fear for ones life or the life of loved ones. In addition there is political unrest, and fire and flood due do to climate change. We are all experiencing stress, anxiety, fatigue and PTSD.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent: A New Adjunct Treatment for PTSD and General Anxiety

I use Frequency Specific Microcurrent, an advanced tens unit, under the auspices of Dr. Eric Gordon, as an adjunct treatment for PTSD and anxiety.

The main treatment I use is the Post Traumatic Stress Protocol.  With FSM/PTSD a person an experience their traumatic event with substantially less charge, which allows the memory to be processed without so much discomfort. This can facilitate greatly the processing of traumatic events. In general my clients report feeling calmer, often sleeping better, less reactivity, less obsessing over painful memories, and more ability to focus.

The abuse material becomes more accessible through memory or through dreams, art therapy, etc. It is very common for people to feel that the PTSD protocol allows the pain to come up without the debilitating charge and therefore processing on a deeper more effective level becomes possible. Consequently freedom from chronic dissociation, and a ore functional and fulfilling life is attained.

Pre-verbal Trauma

In addition I have protocols for the treatment of pre-verbal trauma (trauma from conception through the first four years of life). This is one of the hardest areas to heal, yet we are having significant success. Scientists can now measure that the brain does not fully develop when a child experiences the extreme stressors of severe neglect or abuse. Psychotherapy can facilitate the brain in “catching up”, and the FSM protocols can greatly enhance and facilitate the healing process.

I evaluate each client individually as to whether or not the FSM is appropriate and how and when. If the client is taking medication, this should not be changed without the prescribing medical doctor.

Psychotherapy, Couples Counseling, Women’s Group & Meditation

Linda Friend, MA, MFT
Healdsburg, California